Hungate Street, Aylsham, Norwich, Norfolk NR11 6JZ
Tel: 01263 733393 • Fax: 01263 732217

Young Carers

Bure Valley School is working in partnership with the Benjamin Foundation and Young Carers in Schools to identify and support young carers at our school. 

In recognition of the work we do in this area. The school is currently working towards achieving the nationally recognised Young Carers in Schools Award.

At Bure Valley, we are committed to ensuring that all pupils get the support they need to have a positive school experience, are happy at school and can achieve their full potential. We know that for some of our pupils, factors outside of school can have a big impact on this, particularly if there is someone in their family or a friend who is ill, disabled or has a mental health problem or an addiction. We think in every class there could be as many as two children who are helping to support someone because of one of these factors – we call all these pupils young carers. 

Children who are young carers might:

  • Provide physical support to a parent with a physical illness such as fibromyalgia or ME, this could include cooking, fetching things or helping with things like putting shoes on or doing the shopping;
  • Help a parent with a disability who needs help with more personal tasks such as getting dressed, bathing or changing dressings;
  • Offer emotional support – like being there if their autistic sibling is upset, taking responsibility for young siblings whilst parents attend health appointments, or checking that a parent with depression or anxiety is ok.

Some young carers might be doing lots of caring, others just a small amount but are impacted by the situation at home. For example, worrying about the person with the health condition, or needing to do more things for themselves compared to other pupils. 

There is lots of support available for young carers and their families should they or you ever need it – both inside and outside of school:

If you think that any of the above applies to your child, and they they might possibiliy be a young carer then we would love you to contact the school office to make the school aware. Even if you feel your child or family are doing really well and don’t need any support, we find it’s better for us to be aware and have them on our radar as potential young carers, in case the situation suddenly changes and they (or you) do need support. It just means that you and your child don’t have to start from scratch with letting us know what is going on if things have become diffilcult. 

Whilst we know that some young carers might conceal their caring role due to fears it may cause a negative reaction from their peers or may disrupt their friendships. We want to remove the stigma attached to being a young carer. Instead help pupils to find the positives from their caring responsibilities and to be proud of the role they play in supporting others. 

At BVS, Mr Olney (Headteacher) and Mrs Seal (Pastoral Lead) are our Young Carers Champions.

Together they work to:

  • Raise awareness
  • Develop staff understanding of young carers
  • Identify young carers
  • Provide ongoing support
  • Signpost young carers and their families to external sources of support 

If the school identifies a child as being a possible young carer we will speak to the child and ask them if they would like to take part in a young carers questionnaire. If the school believes a child has some caring responsibilities we will reach out to families to ask for permission to record their child as a young carer.

The school hosts a Young Carers Group in school, once every half term, and all pupils and parents are encouraged to speak to our Young Carers Champions if they feel they or their child is a young carer and has some caring responsibilities, so that they can attend and we can be aware of their needs and offer appropriate support.

The school will also support its young carers in accessing young carers fun days, special events and Boom groups outside of school. 

All pupils have access to a Young Carers Worry Box where they can confidentially share any concerns or worries they have about caring responsibilities they may have. This is box is located outside the main school office alongside a young carers hall display and young carers posters to raise the profile of young carers across our wider school community.